What equipment do you need for a camping holiday?
When planning a holiday at Lake Garda you should consider camping. Camping is the kind of holiday that gives you maximum freedom. This article helps you to buy the right camping equipment.

Family at camping holidays
A camping holiday has to be planned carefully, but in the end you have unforeseen freedom. What you need for your camping holiday depends on what kind of camping you want to do. For camping with your own tent you have to take more stuff than renting a fully equipped tent or motorhome.
Essential equipment for camping with your own tent
- A rugged tent that can stand small storms,
- A camping mat or an airbed
- A bed roll,
- A gas cooker with a rack and an additional cartridge,
- Pots, a mess kit and a camping cutlery,
- eine (solarbetriebene) Taschen- oder Zeltlampe, damit man sich nachts auf dem Weg zur Toilette nicht verirrt,
- Food supplies (depending on the infrastructure, but next to almost all campsites at Lake Garda is a supermarket),
- Spices,
- A flash lamp and spare batteries,
- Towels and kitchen towels (there are special camping towels that dry faster)
Additional equipment when travelling by car or caravan:
- Camp-chairs and a camp table,
- Pillows and blankets,
But in general you have to remember: All you can carry!
When renting a tent you can have more comfort. In most tents are camp bed, hot plated and a fridge. Therefore you can cook really well.
At Lake Garda you can chose between many campsites. At the north western are less campsites. Before leaving for your camping holiday.
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