Toscolano Maderno

Toscolano Maderno

The community Toscolano-Maderno has 7,600 citizens and is located at the western shore of Lake Garda. The community is comprised of the two villages Toscolano and Maderno, which are separated by the river Toscolano. The fusion took place in 1928.
Campsites in Toscolano Maderno
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Toscolano-Maderno is surrounded by the mountains Monte Pizzocolo (1.582 m) and the Monte Castello di Gaìno (866 m). Due to this geographical location the community has the typical Mediterranean climate with mild temperatures all-season. The ferry from Toscolano-Maderno to Torri del Benaco gives the possibility to explore the eastern shore of Lake Garda too.


The districts Toscolano and Maderno

Toscolano is well known for the booming paper industry and letterpress. The river Toscolano ensures the water and energy supply for the paper mills. Even Martin Luther had a bible pressed in Toscolano. Maderno however is a popular destination for tourists. Besides the tourism there is also some agriculture, especially wine and olive cultivation, but also the cultivation of citrus fruits like oranges and lemons.

Sights at Toscolano-Maderno

The two churches San Pietro e Paolo and Madonna del Benaco are an interesting testimony of the architecture of the past. The paper mill valley “Valle delle Cartiere” gives the opportunity for a trip to the past and to explore the tradition of the paper production. The promenade and the old towns are well suited for a walk and a dinner in one of the numerous restaurants.

The beach and sports at Toscolano-Maderno

At the beach of Toscolano-Maderno tourists do not only meet other tourists, but also locals. Many settled at the shore of Lake Garda and built modern housing complexes, where you live right next to Lake Garda within beautiful nature. The sports possibilities in Toscolano-Maderno are multifarious. From water sports to tennis to mountain biking and many more. Not far from Toscolano-Maderno is an 18-holes golf course with an amazing view over Lake Garda.

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